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Since you are a child of God we would highly recommend the following to strengthen your new life with Jesus Christ. These will be guiding principles, for you, for the rest of your life.


First of all, spend time with ABBA, your Heavenly Father who loves you. Worship Him throughout the day. Talk to Him. Give Him your concerns. In 1 Peter 5:7 we are told to cast our cares and burdens upon Him for He cares for us.


Secondly, read His WORD. In Jeremiah 23:29 we are told His WORD is like a fire and a hammer. It will cleanse and purify you. The WORD will demolish the strongholds in your life. In Hebrews 4:12 we are told His WORD is living. Read it daily, spiritually bathe in it, believe it, memorize it and meditate upon it.


Thirdly, gather with other disciples who worship Jesus and who bear witness of His resurrection power. Partake of God's Word, of Holy Communion, and strengthen each other. Jesus promised He would build His church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it, in Matthew 16:18.


Lastly, be filled with the the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8, we are told that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us we will be His witnesses. Seek the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to guide you, to comfort you and empower you to deliver yourself and others from all demonic oppression. Bear witness to the power of the gospel.

For additional information on how to live for Jesus Christ & maintaining your deliverance (and healing) click here.



For nearly 40 years we have shared the good news of God's love and power to the world. We are a global Jesus mission reaching millions, in 200+ nations, on seven different continents, with the gospel. We are fully dedicated to proclaiming the love of Jesus and demonstrating the astounding power of God.​ We adhere to the essentials of the historic Christian faith. Please click here to view our beliefs.


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Jay Bartlett Missions | 530 South Lake Avenue #922 | Pasadena, CA USA 91101 

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